Finally, the most eligible bachelor of the country, the tall dark handsome young man has been taken away!! Yes, the captain cool, MS Dhoni got married with style and poise. The small town boy married sweet simple small town girl. Many hearts broke, many cried, many got upset but still everyone wished the new couple a blissful marital life. Everyone felt him getting married yet no one actually witnessed the wedding, this is MS Dhoni to the world!! Whatever he do has a charisma and magnetism attached to it, that’s his way Mahi way!!
Everything was kept under cover. He married in style ignoring many and including almost handful of the names we know. News of his engagement and then his wedding came as a sweet surprise for the nation. Thanks to our vigilant media!! News spread like a wild fire, burning countless hearts and flaming many fantasies. Newspapers however, reported it in a decent manner, the medium itself do not allow much nuisance but Electronic media (private news channels) was all over the place with the news.

Everything was kept under cover. He married in style ignoring many and including almost handful of the names we know. News of his engagement and then his wedding came as a sweet surprise for the nation. Thanks to our vigilant media!! News spread like a wild fire, burning countless hearts and flaming many fantasies. Newspapers however, reported it in a decent manner, the medium itself do not allow much nuisance but Electronic media (private news channels) was all over the place with the news.

It seemed that news channels had nothing to think, speak and show except Dhoni getting married. With no footage in hand, channels were repeatedly showing the morphed images and his past associations. It seemed as if nothing happened in the country on Sunday except captain marvel getting hitched. It’s only media who arrives before time and reach after getting the event over, even if not invited. Indeed, that is their work and it is appreciated but if someone is not interested then kindly leave the guy on his own.
Why giving him publicity when he does not want it? Why making the event out-of-the world important? Though there are many obligations on the news channels to show and cover certain events in the race of TRP’s and competition, but cannot the entire media fraternity decide that if one is not interested then do not cover the event as extensively as they did. English news channels were comparatively decent in the mad race but Hindi news channels were unpromising. Some of them even decorated their news anchors in the bridal attire to let viewers’ experience the feel of the wedding. This was appalling and uncalled for.
There is a proverb which goes like this “Respect yourself and you will be respected”. Let the press release come from the other camp and then cover the occasion. However, in this competitive market, where every channel wants to be at the top of the ladder, the above said thing is quite difficult, but it can be tagged to set things straight!! Media in this country has a significant influence and sometimes it is important to show the power of POWER!! Media needs to show a strong character and no-nonsense temperament.
There were many other issues which needed much extensive coverage and attention, Monday’s Bharat Bandh was the major news served on the platter. But it went totally ignored!! Suicides in army, naxal nuisance, Kashmir brawls, price rise are the important issues which must be reported in a much elaborated way as they are covered now. It is high time now; media must define and set its boundaries to become heedful partners of the aam aadmi!
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