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Days Unbarred!

Oh m so much enjoying these last few days of my free liberated life free from tensions and worries. From 2nd August, starts the madness again....Sigh!!... Yes..i have to re-join my hurt-locker... with weirdest strangest unpredictable things happening around...helping me with reasons for mood swings. Anyways, that is just temporary..may be ten months i suppose. And not to forget i have to continue with my battle (had posted about it in last blogs). Hope this time its not as fierce as it was earlier but i know there will be hurdles coming my way. But..these two months came as blessing to me. Those thoughts which used to weaken lost somewhere and i did not even thought once about the problems and issues i left behind last when i visited my agony locker....Hunhh!! 

Initial days of my holidays..i was busy with mumma counting people...yep! mum had a census duty and i was accompanying her to her enumeration area. Totally different experience it was. To ask questions about people with authority is altogether a different kind of high! They cannot hide any information, they have to attend you seriously and answer all your questions. Though, its not all that easy as it seems to be. It was a difficult job and required loads of paper work and needle like accuracy. But when me and mum are together, nothing is impossible and we finished the work on time. In between Papa suffered with dozens of lunches and dinners ..but he was not starving...we ordered food for him!!

Then i joined my office...i mentioned about it in the last post. Enjoyable experience that was and m continuing it. Then came cousin's marriage and PERFECT excuse for SHOPPING!! Me and mumma shopped a lot as if i was getting hooked!!....again the magical time spent by mother-daughter together! There have been many fun times in me and sis managed to slip out for a movie..Rajneeti..leaving kids at home. But we GOT PIZZA for them in return..and they behaved as if they were doing us a favor..KIDS!!

Then my Nani fell ill..she was hospitalized and the entire house was on RED ALERT! Mother of all mothers..her stature in the family requires us to get nervous and behave in berserk ways. When she fells ill..everything comes to a drop silence has to be observed..all of us just think of making her feel comfortable...but thanks to god..this time it was not serious and now she is back home sound and safe.

But my days of agony and anguish starts from here. Lock up days are here to stay for quite sometime and i have to bear it. God Bless Me!!


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