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Showing posts with the label Love

Come & lighten my life!

I don't know how you will look like, I don't know how it will feel like, I am blank and in wait, For you to come & lighten my life! Your feel, your touch, your smile, your love, your look, your snuggles, your warmth, your muffles, I know that you are taking your time I am waiting for you to come & lighten my life! All I want is to pamper & love you, To protect & grow you, To take you in my arms & feel the smell of your breath, To hold those tiny hands with inkling little touch, Amidst my crazy days & long nights, I want to live your cries and smiles! My reflection, my mirror you will be, My love & cuddles you will be! I know this journey will be new but dime, Darling, mum is waiting for you to come and lighten her life! *a heartfelt letter to my lil bub who is yet to arrive in this crazy world!

The Love Story!

It was a usual summer morning, but for the passing out batch of St. George School, it is a time when they had to bid goodbye to their childhood friends and safe mushy environment of the school . Outside the world is cruel and competitive; this is what Riya learned from her friends. Riya was a polite young girl, with dreams to make it big in the real world. In her thoughts of parting from Madhav, little she knew of the day ahead.   Half an hour to eleven, and principal Mr. Anthony addressed the class 12 th students with mixed emotions. Madhav was standing with his friends ; friend zoned while eyeing on Riya secretly. He loved her but was scared to express. All his friends knew about his liking for Riya and used to tease him. Riya, on the other hand, loved him secretly and was smart enough to let anyone knew. She used to find ways to talk to him, but Madhav was always surrounded with his friends, wanna be girlfriends and so-called sisters, which made her feel uncomfortabl

I have found you!

For our love to stay young and alive For those beautiful days and sleepless nights For you and me  and both of 'us' I have found you! To love you for  what you are to me, To love you for  what you have done to me, To feel the love  you have for me, I have found you! To live happy days  and see you smile, To fulfill our dreams  and walk a mile, I have found you! To make you feel how special you are, can spend nights and days  wrapped in your arms, I love the way you care for me I love you with every part of me, For i love you with every breath in me....

That last day!

I looked at you You looked at me, for the questions unasked, and the answers unknown, I wish we could say, on that last day! It made me cold the look in your eyes, which could be felt, but could not be seen, I wish we could make, on that last day! The scribbles on shirt and the shiver of touch, the smile on lips, and the missing beats, to continue it all, I wish we could say, on that last day! There were people around though silence within, my day was alive, but something died, i wish i could collect, what i left behind, is that last day! Through unspoken lines there were thousand signs, wish we could see, and made them realize, I wish i could stay, on that last day! Though the time has passed and we can count the years, i wish we could meet, before the final goodbye, I don't want to die, before that last day!                                        

Beauty lies in ACCEPTANCE!

This age old statement is partially true and is selfish in its own sense. Man will always like what he has or what he possess or what he inherited or what he aims of? What is beautiful to me, might not be charming to you. Whatever i like will always be beautiful to me. A child is always beautiful to her mother, husband will always be dashing for a wife, first tea will always be tasty for a teenager, first love will always be beautiful to me, my house will be a palace to me.... My thing can never be ugly to me.   Then where does this line fit in? Iam a beholder of my beauty same as others are. In this world of material beauty there are a few acceptable things which defines it: a flawless face, perfect figure, luxurious life,handsome man, success, fame, name, serene blue sea, vegetation, bright moon night, candle light dinner, high hills, snow cladded mountains, art, love, god, blessings, miracles, good luck, mother, father, relationships..and the list of all positive things will g

Happy Valentine's week...spread the magic of love!

February....the month of love, romance and passion. The soft fragrance of roses fill the air around with pure and selfless love. The weather also makes the mood worth spending time with your sweethearts, friends and family. The rough and unsophisticated phase of winters ends here marking the  beginning of adorable spring...where nature is on its full blossom...blooming hope and promise!  Colors around spread the message of peace, tranquility and harmony. What is beautiful on earth is in all relationships makes life worth living. Relationships are the basis of human life and are the deciding factors of successes and failures. I think the hidden motive of celebrating Valentine's week across the globe is to strengthen relationships, solve the estranged knots, get the lost one's back and rekindle the fading feelings of care and concern.  Celebrate this 'love week' with your near and dear one and make them feel special for everything they have done for you.  In

Nanu-Nannan's golden jubliee marriage anniversary

T omorrow is Nanu-Nannan's golden jubliee marriage anniversary. Everyone is gifting them one or the other things like my masis and mumma decided to go for 2 silk sarees, one diamond pendant and a suit piece for nanu. We kids also dediced to gift them something on their big day. We decided to gift nani a basket of herbal beauty products as she is our beauty queen. Me and my kid sister went to Khadi Gram Udyog today to buy herbal products for her. We bought 8 items for her, after lot of thinking and mind-boggling. Finally, now the basket contains: 1. Herbal Face Pack - Sandal 2. Khadi moisturizing cream - jasmine with aloe vera 3. Khadi aloe vera gel 4. Herbal face pack with neem 5. Natural Herbs glow pack 6. Badam Rogan 7. Khadi whitening scrub - badam with aloe vera 8. Khadi moisturizing cream - rose and aloe vera With this, we also bought couple of bamboo shoots and table mats for decoration purpose. Waiting for tomorrow to see her reaction. Hugs and Kisses to nanu na

My gift to mom

Teddy Big a gift to mum on hoyi....a fast kept my all mums for their kids. Though the gift is of little interest to mum...but i liked it kept at Archies gallery and so i picked it up for myself ;-)  and now it is sitting on my study table with my other stuff toys.  Thank you mum for being there.  Luv ya!

My desktop background image!

Come any festival or an ocassion, that emotion becomes my mood. The feelings start runing in my blood, soul and heart. These unexpected yet truely welcome emotions make me do things that i normally won't do. Latest is the Janamashtmi fever, i have suddenly got religious and humming bhajans. Last one was on Independence day when i heard almost all patriotic songs on youtube.  This time it is the change in my desktop background image. Krishna poster on my laptop's wall fills me with religious fervour. This black and coloured poster of kanha...serves well with the desktop icons as well. The black background make them look clear to me. The contrast is perfect and is suiting my mood well these days.  Thanks to mum's janamashtmi's cultural festival at her school, where she takes my help is selecting and editing the songs, i have also learnt a few of krishna bhajans. 

To Lord Krishna, with love

Dear Lord Krishna, Wishing you a very happy birthday. By taking this oppurtunity i want to 'Thank you' for the life you have given to me. Caring family, lovely friends, healthy body, neat thinking and beautiful environment where i can express what i can,  can emote what i feel and can have what i want to. My gift for you today is my immense trust in you and i promise you it wil be the same for the entire lifetime. O God! bless me that my faith in you never deters and i never change in my life for bad. Forgive me for whatever wrong i have done and motivate me to do good and nice things. Love you Swati

Happy Birthday Nani!

It was nani's 71st birthday yesterday. Nani, mother of all mothers, our beauty queen...ready with tips on how to look good and fair and our kitchen queen!. She is the most important person in the entire family, like sun in the solar system. We all revolve and rotate around her. It was the special day for her and cannot be missed.  While it was a working day, none of our four set of parents could manage to meet her, but the day cannot be missed. So, understanding the situation we five brothers and sisters chalked out a plan to meet her on the day...IT WAS SUPPOSE TO BE A SURPRISE!! but as they say,,,,there is no secret in a family!! Well we.... famous five reached at nani's place..bought a bouquet for her, dhokla for nani and nanu...(as they do not eat cakes and pastries...eggs and non-veg!!) and blackforest pastries for ourselves. We all coordinated with each other... messaged, called and reached the venue(nani's place) on time...BUT again as they say...too many cooks

He is there within!

Last night while sipping last cup of bournvita for the day, i was wondering if god really exists. Who is god? What is the supreme power? Why do we pray? Is god up there in skies or mountains or in deep oceans? Where is it? Is it he or she? how to recognise him? Questions like these were pondering my mind throughout while i was having my bournvita. With rain pouring outside,the magical smell of dust hypnotised my mind and i stepped out of my room .Out there was a beautiful scene, rain drops falling on trees were adding to the noise of lighting and cloud thundering. The beautiful view made me realize that god really exists. Then why it is so that nature is only there on our planet. There are hundreds of other planets in the universe, then why is it so that unique combination of life supporing elements is only there on our planet. The biggest question that caught my mind is that who made us, the human beings, the animals of different kinds and the beautiful nature. There was an Adam &am