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Showing posts with the label Life

Adult Coloring: A way to relax and rejuvenate!

Away from all the chaos and hullabaloo of our lifestyles, we all want something to look forward to relaxing, rejuvenate and calm down ourselves. One of the most interesting techniques that I have found to relax is coloring. It takes me to my childhood memories where I was free to paint my world of imagination. Adult Coloring books give you such escape, making you traverse into your sphere of creativity, happiness and gives you the freedom to paint and explore the hues and tones of your likings. Dreamland Rejuvenate Yourself - Colouring Book for Adults (Nature) This one is based on 'Nature' and contains abstracts. A few patterns in this book which I have colored: This was my very first one through which I expressed myself with colors. Here, the colors are dark and in polychrome. This one was much more complex than the earlier one. I tried to color the peacock with a set of the family of colors and create a sense of harmony in the picture. This picture is c

7 things to do while on Maternity Leave before baby arrives

So, you have availed your maternity leave 15 or 20 days or maybe a month before your EDD and you are at home waiting for your little bub to arrive. The wait will be over and these days will be, so my advise will be to enjoy, relax and make as much as you can of this well deserved leave. Here is how you can spend your days in the most effective ways: 1. Maintain Routine Try and maintain the same routine as you were while going to the office. This would give you a sense of achievement and satisfaction that you are active and not lazing around the whole day. Also, it will keep you physically and mentally active. You will be free to do anything you wish to in between your 9 to 5 hours, while you know your colleagues are working in the office (wink). 2.Pursue a hobby Try and pursue a hobby that you could not because of your busy schedule. Be it reading or writing or cooking or listening to music or watching movies, go ahead and do it right away, as you won't get any time after

The Love Story!

It was a usual summer morning, but for the passing out batch of St. George School, it is a time when they had to bid goodbye to their childhood friends and safe mushy environment of the school . Outside the world is cruel and competitive; this is what Riya learned from her friends. Riya was a polite young girl, with dreams to make it big in the real world. In her thoughts of parting from Madhav, little she knew of the day ahead.   Half an hour to eleven, and principal Mr. Anthony addressed the class 12 th students with mixed emotions. Madhav was standing with his friends ; friend zoned while eyeing on Riya secretly. He loved her but was scared to express. All his friends knew about his liking for Riya and used to tease him. Riya, on the other hand, loved him secretly and was smart enough to let anyone knew. She used to find ways to talk to him, but Madhav was always surrounded with his friends, wanna be girlfriends and so-called sisters, which made her feel uncomfortabl

Struggling through PCOS

It starts with a missed period and anticipation that you are pregnant! Days pass and you come disappointed out of the washroom with negative test in hand to people waiting in anticipation of a double line on that device. Apart from dealing with your disappointments, worries, anxiety and sadness, yes all mixed up in mind, you have to put up a brave face, as if nothing has happened. Deep inside you are just gloomy! Next start trips to gynacs! Finding a  good one is a task. Meddling through the countless advice, comments and suggestions, you zero down on one, hoping that she would be a solution to all your questions. Gynac trips are not always the pleasant ones! Especially when you are a PCOS patient (well, no gynac will tell you this, except you spending countless nights googling your symptoms and zeroing down the name of your problems!) Yes, there are many self help groups and articles on internet for PCOS, but none will provide a solution. They will put you through num

Things to do when nobody supports

 In life, there would come many moments when you will feel low and inferior. When people would look down on you. When you will feel out of place and left out even amongst your own friends and family, that is the time of struggle, the time to stand up and dust yourself off after life throws you down. Though it is easier said than done, but that is what the need of the hour would be.  Though everybody has their own ways of handling things, a few tips might help you see the light at the end of the tunnel.  1. Choose not to react People will throw a lot of uncanny comments on you, sarcasm and actions. You might feel they have ganged up against you. The only way to show them your worth is by not reacting to their low life actions.  2. Concentrate on yourself Don't keep on pondering on what others are thinking about you and your actions. Concentrate on yourself, your work and your life. Focus on how to improve things for yourself.  3. Stay Calm Life is throwing its wors

Sweet memories from 90s!

Lets confess, we all loved those colourful sweet balls called toffees and candies. Every kid's prized possession, one look at them now will take you to back down the memory lane. For those born in mid 80s, these toffees were permament attractions and now are the fondest memories. For people like us, they are also the symbol of simple and less complicated life back then. Lets take some time to feel the way we used to feel back then and live a part of our childhood, a feeling so special and full of nostalgia: Still catch on one of those! The Dollar Bite! A family treat after dinners Melody hai choclaty...dekho kaisi choclaty! our very own..white choclate! Coffee ya Toffee!?! Baratiyon ka swagat tto pan pasand se hoga! The orange candies! The tranparent ones made them look so attractive Just a glimpse of these and our mind wanders through the times we used to play on streets & backlanes carefree. The days where we used to wait for eve

5 essential tips to be happy!

Happiness is subjective. There will never be an ideal time or perfect scenario where you decide to be happy! For most of our lives, we keep on searching for the right timings to find happiness. We create mental scenarios of ideal time when happiness should "come to us"....after graduation, when i will land up with a good job..that will be perfect happy scenario, or after settling down (the other word for getting married) I will stay happy or when I will have a house/car of my own..those will be perfect times to stay happy! My friends, coming from experience, i would love to pull you out of this bubble and help you face the realities of life. THERE IS NO PERFECT TIME TO BE HAPPY! read right, there is no perfect time! The right time is right now! This moment...when you decide to be happy in the middle of chaos, when you decide to smile in the middle of all your problems, when you decide to let go off things that you have hung up to for so many ye

For all those in love with writing....

While surfing through the web, we come across many posts and quotes that define writing, how some people feel peaceful while putting their feelings and emotions on paper, how writing is the only ventilation. Not many know how satisfying it feels when you pen down a beautiful poem or an essay which sums up your feelings. How gratifying it feels to explore yourself in writing.  I define my writings as – My life & learning through my rants & roaring     A few other quotes which I am sure you would love: As Anne Lamott quoted, “Almost all good writings begin with terrible first efforts. You need to start somewhere". So, if you have not given a thought ... start writing .. anything that you feel like ... anything which comes to your mind ... there is no mindless writing ... just creative opportunities!

I have found you!

For our love to stay young and alive For those beautiful days and sleepless nights For you and me  and both of 'us' I have found you! To love you for  what you are to me, To love you for  what you have done to me, To feel the love  you have for me, I have found you! To live happy days  and see you smile, To fulfill our dreams  and walk a mile, I have found you! To make you feel how special you are, can spend nights and days  wrapped in your arms, I love the way you care for me I love you with every part of me, For i love you with every breath in me....

Coffee at CAARA!

Taking up a cozy corner of CAARA, with Cafe Latte, a hot chocolate brownie and a book/or a lapy when i feel to how i love spending time on chilly December days! This is one of my favorite places where i can be myself! A quiet cafe on the ground floor of British Council Library at Kasturba Gandhi Marg, is dream place for people like me who want to run away from bustling madness of the city and spend quality time of their own! Unlike other normal cafes which would rather make your conversations meaningless with non stop music running in the background, the place has an unsaid rule of being calm and polite.  You won't see flocks of lovers/friends/corporate haunches here, rather genuine book lovers, art lovers, English teachers and a few expats are more to be found grabbing a corner and immersed in their works. Such is a beauty of Cafe CAARA!  For me CAARA is ambiance  which it serves to me! Though it has generous space to itself, the seating is not conjusted, wi

Rainbow of Life!

The God's own way of reassuring to the world that there exist colors behind the darkness of black and grey!! Rainbow in the sky of Delhi!

That last day!

I looked at you You looked at me, for the questions unasked, and the answers unknown, I wish we could say, on that last day! It made me cold the look in your eyes, which could be felt, but could not be seen, I wish we could make, on that last day! The scribbles on shirt and the shiver of touch, the smile on lips, and the missing beats, to continue it all, I wish we could say, on that last day! There were people around though silence within, my day was alive, but something died, i wish i could collect, what i left behind, is that last day! Through unspoken lines there were thousand signs, wish we could see, and made them realize, I wish i could stay, on that last day! Though the time has passed and we can count the years, i wish we could meet, before the final goodbye, I don't want to die, before that last day!                                        

Through the mind of a rain lover!

It was about to rain, combination of grey black clouds and cool breeze was adding to the mood of weekend. I closed my eyes to feel the bliss, nature has bestowed on us.  The face to feel the coolness of breeze, the wetness of raindrops, to experience the magic of silence admist the thunder and to see the beautiful colors beneath the grey sky.  The peace is magical, the joy unknown.  A rain lover..we find meaning of life in rain. To an extent of relating it to the peace of mind and happiness. Loving the sound of rain drops falling on leaves, the sound of rain on water, the thunder comes naturally to us.  A walk alone in the rain take us near to the god, its gloomy and bright at the same time. Nature talks to you, comes close to you,to ask for the wish you ever wanted to, to cleanse your wandering mind and soul.  You talk to yourself, to your soul, to the one which is hiding behind the worldly mask, the you...the actual You!! And that you is different from what the world see

Mystic Kashmir!

Kashmir....ahhh what to say!! Adjectives would fall short!! Nothing can replace the experience of being there!! So without wasting your time and word....some of Kashmir through my lens... The Dal Lake Sunset at The Dal  En-route Sonmarg Horse ride towards sonmarg glacier At the glacier Towards Srinagar from Sonmarg Dal Lake in the evening from House Boat Dining Room in the Houseboat En route to Pahalgam 'Mini Switzerland' at Pahelgam 'Betaab Valley' at Pahelgam Gulmarg! "Agar firdous baroye zameen ast, hami asto, hami asto hami asto"  - Amir-e-Khusru


M back! Welcome me back guys with a different status...MARRIED! From single to married in an year!Life is to change...and this change is huge!! I can feel it more, coz my bliss shifted me from saddi dilli to amchi mumbai!! After 3 months of settling down at the new place, m back to the blogosphere, promising myself to write more often and frequently. A break of 10 months...and in between life changed! New people, new relations added to the book called LIFE!! Still understanding, where I am, what I am expected to do, how am i expected to behave, life is moving on a fast pace and today the marriage is 3 months old! Iam a wifey now, a bahu, sister-in law but still a daughter! Hope this new phase of my life be as beautiful forever as the way it has started. I have grown up, from a notorious bubbly girl to a mature understanding wife. But still i would like that girl to be always in me. A girl with full of naughtiness, ideas, ambitions, laughter, stories, excitement and charm! I

Happy one month...

ok guyss...this one i had to write..just a month old in my new organisation...and here sharing a few experiences with you.  The start- Like everywhere, i was welcomed well with all the politeness and gentleness in the world...with smiling but confused faces (yess!! they are confused about what am i doing in Industry Relations with background in media, PR, advertising etc etc! Its been over a month but the confusion is still ON!)  Place - The place is good...a stride better than my previous organisations, with helping and smiling faces around. People are polite and work environment allows you to be YOU! Individual space and respect is given to each matter on which ladder of the hierarchy he/she is working. Over here one can live his/her personal and professional lives with equal satisfaction. A decent working place with professionalism of corporate! People - This is one is too simple yet complicated to explain....coz m still learning about them, their behaviors, attitu

I don't know what to write....

This headline totally justifies my state of mind right now...want to do something creative...but don't know what to do? how to do?...same as i want to write something but don't know what to write? Life is on roller coaster..and yes m not TIRED!! I want it more...more from life and want to discover its hidden truths! Mysteries that are waiting to get unfolded...will take time...but i want them RIGHT NOW!! But how is it possible? Only time will tell what going to happen!Till guyys would have guessed,,,and if NOT then let me do the honors...that m happy...not very very happy..but m happy with the way life is taking shape.  Touch-wood, till now everything is going fine...and i hope i do not attract the evils eye...(nimbu mirchii...pleeaasseeee!! buri nazar se bachoo!) I don't know what is waiting for me tomorrow but as of now life is good and m quite enjoying it. AMEN! Image source: Google images

yooo i got the job...finally!

Finally i will be considered as a working woman! Hush!! m so happy. So is my family and relatives. 'Aree wahh! course khatam hote hi naukri lag gayi' .... dis is wat m hearing these days. Though i know..i have tough days ahead but life is such. You have to slog to achieve things in life. But iam happy. Now i will have my a stand..stand to take my decisions..stand to help others taking their decisions. In another ten days i have to join and my two year long vacation wll come to an end. Somewhere in my heart i don't want it to change is life. Nothing is permanent on this how can my life be? And excuse to what i love doing SHOPPING! Shop for suits, kurtis, handbags, wallet and accessories...yipiee P.S - Job description after joining!