To break the monotony of fast pace of life..these days m indulged in reading philosophical books on life and how to make it worth living by concentrating on simplicities of life and not getting carried away by glitters and glosses.
There is a small book stall in local market near my place. It is a small roadside book stall and has restricted collection of books mostly old issues of magazines and pirated versions of famous books…selling at discounted rates. While going to the bank few days back, i gave a quick look at the stall and to my luck I found something to stop for.
The books were lying in haphazard manner and one has to immerse him/her(self) in the pool of books to find out the right one…phew!! While checking out the stall, which had books related to crime, suspense thrillers, astrology, love, romance, old issues of magazines and few fashion magazines kept in such a way that even passing car can gaze at sensuous kareena and Katrina on the cover pages!
Ignoring all this, I concentrated on what made me stopped…..“Don’t Sweat the small stuff… and it’s all small stuff”. I found the title so interesting that for sometime I ignored the mess around and plunged in to check what the book is all about. Just below it, there was another book lying titled “Sweet coincidences in life”..... Don’t know why, but I liked the title of this book too.
Ignoring all this, I concentrated on what made me stopped…..“Don’t Sweat the small stuff… and it’s all small stuff”. I found the title so interesting that for sometime I ignored the mess around and plunged in to check what the book is all about. Just below it, there was another book lying titled “Sweet coincidences in life”..... Don’t know why, but I liked the title of this book too.
After 6-7 minutes of thought process, I decided to buy the former one. Though the book cover was not very attractive,,,dull combination of grey and pale yellow…but somehow I got fascinated towards the line on its cover “Simple ways to keep the little things from taking over your life”. The promise on the book made me select it over 50 odd books lying in front on me dealing with soul, happy life, peace etc…
The same day I saw another book “Fearless life”, lying in mumma’s book drawer. The book is written in Hindi and flaunts a classy black cover. When I flipped though the pages, the content compelled me to read first two chapters at one go. It talks about the fears in life and how to tackle them…. way towards a more peaceful and happy life.
Now, m half way through both the books…learning and unlearning things in process. The books are interesting, informative and add quality to my collection. It is my personal advice to every book lover that keep one such book in your personal collection......which helps you correcting the wrongs of your life by showing you the right path. Now I know that whenever I will feel low or will be irritated, I have these true friends to fall upon!
Picture Courtesy: Google Images
Picture Courtesy: Google Images
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