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The Love Story!

It was a usual summer morning, but for the passing out batch of St. George School, it is a time when they had to bid goodbye to their childhood friends and safe mushy environment of the school. Outside the world is cruel and competitive; this is what Riya learned from her friends. Riya was a polite young girl, with dreams to make it big in the real world. In her thoughts of parting from Madhav, little she knew of the day ahead.  

Half an hour to eleven, and principal Mr. Anthony addressed the class 12th students with mixed emotions. Madhav was standing with his friends; friend zoned while eyeing on Riya secretly. He loved her but was scared to express. All his friends knew about his liking for Riya and used to tease him.

Riya, on the other hand, loved him secretly and was smart enough to let anyone knew. She used to find ways to talk to him, but Madhav was always surrounded with his friends, wanna be girlfriends and so-called sisters, which made her feel uncomfortable and unwanted.

It is the last day today, and I must express, else she will be lost, thought Madhav. Scared of the rejection, he gathered the courage to talk to her. With raised heartbeats, sweat on the forehead and fear of ‘no’ he reached out to her. Standing amongst her friends, Riya knew he was coming to say those beautiful words which she was dying to hear.

It is the last day; I must not let him go. I can’t lose him to the world, Riya thought while smiling. With that, she feared the big bad world outside.

‘Riya’, he said. She turned, and it was him! Madhav! Her world, everything she ever wanted, everything she ever wanted to hear is there! Right there! Riya could not control her smile and look in his eyes.

“Riya, ever since the day I looked at you, it is only you about whom I have ever thought. My friends say that I am crazy. Yes, I am..iam crazy for youfor your love. Riya, would you be my valentine forever and ever!” expressed Madhav.

Riya was numb, her heart was pounding, she smiled which she wanted to hide from the world. They both were standing looking at each other, while others gazing and watching. She wanted to say, ‘I love you Madhav’, but was too scared to get into any relationship. She scared the world, she scared her so-called useless friends, she scared people talking, she scared his friends, she scared her parents, she was scared!

She was quiet and allowed the moment to let by. Inside, she was crying, she was dying, her heart as aching, his heart was aching. Life is going to change; their worlds were going to change. Life would be bitter and bad, the thoughts were making her crazy.

She had no answer to what he was saying, she was still, while world was moving around her, giggling, making fun, laughing and talking. He was hopeless, looking into her eyes, for a cue for an answer, which he was unable to find. Heartbroken, he decided to let it go. He passed her and suddenly felt the softness of her hand and fingers mingling with his.

‘Where are you going Madhav, won’t you take me along’, she whispered.  Riya, wow!...what you just said, is it a yes, is it a yes!?! He was jumping with joy and excitement. ‘Yes, Madhav, it is a yes’!, she confirmed.  

‘Is it? Is It? I can’t believe my ears!’, hopping with joy and unable to understand how to express.

With tears and smile, Riya hugged him while others watched. Their worlds came together, stars aligned and conneced them till infinity.

It was the end of their school and start of a beautiful life ahead. Together they fought the entire big dangerous world, keeping the love and innocence of their pure childhood love intact.


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