Happiness is subjective. There will never be an ideal time or perfect scenario where you decide to be happy! For most of our lives, we keep on searching for the right timings to find happiness. We create mental scenarios of ideal time when happiness should "come to us"....after graduation, when i will land up with a good job..that will be perfect happy scenario, or after settling down (the other word for getting married) I will stay happy or when I will have a house/car of my own..those will be perfect times to stay happy!
My friends, coming from experience, i would love to pull you out of this bubble and help you face the realities of life.
THERE IS NO PERFECT TIME TO BE HAPPY! Yes...you read right, there is no perfect time!
The right time is right now! This moment...when you decide to be happy in the middle of chaos, when you decide to smile in the middle of all your problems, when you decide to let go off things that you have hung up to for so many years!
Problems are constant; life is dynamic, happiness is a choice and life is right now!

All you have to do is inculcate the habit of following these rules in life.
1. Stay in present
Don't plan the future, don't regret the past, everything is here and now. Today and tonight! Yesterday is gone and tomorrow has to come. What is in hand is today, so live your days and make memories with loved ones. Have fun, eat, go out for movies, listen to music, laugh, take pictures, make memories.
2. Pursue your hobbies
Start a hobby, anything whatever you like! My personal pastime is coloring! Yes... coloring adult color books. It makes me feel like a kid again, and I start to see the world as beautiful! It makes me happy. We all are busy, we all are corporate slaves, we all have bosses and nagging colleagues, but we must take out time for ourselves, for our peace of mind, for our happiness!
3. Pamper yourself
Pick up your bag and go on a shopping frenzy or get a good spa, a relaxing massage, or a rejunivating swimming session. Anything! Just go out and pamper yourself the way you want to. Feel beautiful!
4. Give yourself priority
Give yourself the well-deserved importance. Stop pleasing everybody; nobody will give you a certificate on your dying day! In your mind, you should be the most important person. Have your favorites, likes, dislikes, fav food, my kind of music, and go for it. Have it and enjoy.
5. Stay healthy
Join a gym or a yoga class or Zumba sessions or go for evening walks. Take out time and give your health some attention.
We all know this, understand its importance, what we lack is the effort to put into doing these things. Life is too short to worry, to have qualms and to get bogged down because of politics at work. Stop yourself and start to live...live again!
At the end of it all....Kal ho na ho!!
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