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Ganpati Bappa Moriyaa!

Festival season in India has come and is here to stay for a time now. After celebrating Krishna Janashtmi with fervor and devotion, now arrives Lord Ganesha! It is believed and practiced that all prayers to God must start with Ganesha Stuti as he is the bestower of goodwill and benevolence. In many parts of the country, Ganesh Chaturthi is also known as Vinayaka Chaturthi or Vinayaka Chavathi. 

It is celebrated in honors of the birth of elephant-headed God Lord Ganesha with great joy and passion for 10 days. Lord Ganesh is worshipped as god of wisdom, prosperity and good fortune. The festival touches its height in state of Maharashtra where people chant 'ganpati bappa moriya, agle baras tu jaldi aa' while dipping the idols in lakes, rivers and sea on the 10th day. 

Ganesh Chaturthi will be celebrated on 11th September, 2010. The same day world will celebrate another great festival of Eid. Both the festivals will be celebrated with equal enthusiasm and respect in India. The festival season in India proves its secular religion of Unity in Diversity. All religions in the world preach peace and brotherhood.     

Picture Courtesy: Google Images


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