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Six Christmas Movies to watch on Netflix

Christmas is around the corner, and it's the time of the year when you slow down, holiday, relax, and enjoy the family's festivities. Lights, decorations, hot chocolates, Christmas Tree, brings in the feeling of   warmth and joy of Christmas. Pandemic has restricted us from being in our homes, yet no one stops us from enjoying being 'Christmasy'.  It cannot get better if you do not watch Christmas movies with your family. ' Netflix brings you a series of Christmas movies which you can watch with family, relax and enjoy at the same time.  1. Christmas made to order 2. Christmas Inheritance 3. A California Christmas     4. Christmas Wonderland 5. My Christmas Inn     6 Christmas with a View These movies will make you feel happy about your surroundings, value your relationships, and most importantly, will leave you with a thought to learn to be happy in little things of life.

Adult Coloring: A way to relax and rejuvenate!

Away from all the chaos and hullabaloo of our lifestyles, we all want something to look forward to relaxing, rejuvenate and calm down ourselves. One of the most interesting techniques that I have found to relax is coloring. It takes me to my childhood memories where I was free to paint my world of imagination. Adult Coloring books give you such escape, making you traverse into your sphere of creativity, happiness and gives you the freedom to paint and explore the hues and tones of your likings. Dreamland Rejuvenate Yourself - Colouring Book for Adults (Nature) This one is based on 'Nature' and contains abstracts. A few patterns in this book which I have colored: This was my very first one through which I expressed myself with colors. Here, the colors are dark and in polychrome. This one was much more complex than the earlier one. I tried to color the peacock with a set of the family of colors and create a sense of harmony in the picture. This picture is c

7 things to do while on Maternity Leave before baby arrives

So, you have availed your maternity leave 15 or 20 days or maybe a month before your EDD and you are at home waiting for your little bub to arrive. The wait will be over and these days will be, so my advise will be to enjoy, relax and make as much as you can of this well deserved leave. Here is how you can spend your days in the most effective ways: 1. Maintain Routine Try and maintain the same routine as you were while going to the office. This would give you a sense of achievement and satisfaction that you are active and not lazing around the whole day. Also, it will keep you physically and mentally active. You will be free to do anything you wish to in between your 9 to 5 hours, while you know your colleagues are working in the office (wink). 2.Pursue a hobby Try and pursue a hobby that you could not because of your busy schedule. Be it reading or writing or cooking or listening to music or watching movies, go ahead and do it right away, as you won't get any time after

Come & lighten my life!

I don't know how you will look like, I don't know how it will feel like, I am blank and in wait, For you to come & lighten my life! Your feel, your touch, your smile, your love, your look, your snuggles, your warmth, your muffles, I know that you are taking your time I am waiting for you to come & lighten my life! All I want is to pamper & love you, To protect & grow you, To take you in my arms & feel the smell of your breath, To hold those tiny hands with inkling little touch, Amidst my crazy days & long nights, I want to live your cries and smiles! My reflection, my mirror you will be, My love & cuddles you will be! I know this journey will be new but dime, Darling, mum is waiting for you to come and lighten her life! *a heartfelt letter to my lil bub who is yet to arrive in this crazy world!

Book Review: Dylan's Cosydoze

Dylan's Cosydoze by Elsa   Joseph My rating: 4 of 5 stars This illustrated children’s book by Elsa Joseph has a simple, beautiful, and relatable story. Every parent and kids can relate to Dylan as a kid, the way he sulks when his favorite Cozydose goes missing. Less of a story and more of a narration of an incident, these 31 pager is enjoyable and heart-warming read. The narration is a simple rhythmic style and easy to understand by the young readers. The story is accompanied by illustrations for further ease in comprehension and help them to dive in their world of colourful imagination. The book also touches the importance of parenting and needs to inculcate good habits and mannerisms in young kids. For children, the book is a pleasant read while for parents, it also subtly teaches a valuable lesson. View all my reviews

Book Review: Saving Forest Farm

Saving Forest Farm by Jack Purser My rating: 3 of 5 stars Saving Forest Farm is a children’s book touching on the topic which needs the highest attention in the current times, i.e. saving environment. The story is set in a jungle where the inhabitants are eagerly waiting for the rains to come. As the title suggests, the rain would save the ‘forest farm,’ which has animals thirsty and longing for rain as mother nature is on vacation. They rely on a turtle who has magical powers to bring rain. The book very subtly explains the children the need and importance of rains for mother earth. It is not only crucial for human beings but also for innocent animals in our forests that require rains for survival. The book has one-pager illustrations which support the narration and maintains the interest of the kids till the end. All in all, a good read! View all my reviews

Book Review: Little Bit Big Byte, Go Green

Little Bit  Big Byte, Go Green by Craig Feigh My rating: 5 of 5 stars  The new book by Craig T. Feigh is a fresh addition in the ‘Little Bit & Big Byte’ series and this time with a relevant and an important message which is imperative for children of today’s day and age to understand. The book opens with an innocent pictorial riddle, asking the reader to find the recycle logo and then moves onto weave a story around the importance of environment and energy conservation by saving our natural resources. The author takes examples from the real-life scenarios and immediately provides the ways by which one can contribute towards saving the environment while doing the daily chores. ‘Go Green’, very effectively captures the imagination of a child and help him/her connect the cause with the impact. The language is conversational, and the characters are relatable. A short 33-page story is beautifully illustrated read with attractive colors and nice-looking characters. The illustrator, ‘Pa