In life, there would come many moments when you will feel low and inferior. When people would look down on you. When you will feel out of place and left out even amongst your own friends and family, that is the time of struggle, the time to stand up and dust yourself off after life throws you down. Though it is easier said than done, but that is what the need of the hour would be.
Though everybody has their own ways of handling things, a few tips might help you see the light at the end of the tunnel.
1. Choose not to react
People will throw a lot of uncanny comments on you, sarcasm and actions. You might feel they have ganged up against you. The only way to show them your worth is by not reacting to their low life actions.
2. Concentrate on yourself
Don't keep on pondering on what others are thinking about you and your actions. Concentrate on yourself, your work and your life. Focus on how to improve things for yourself.
3. Stay Calm
Life is throwing its worst phases at you. It is harsh and cruel. You want to cry yourself out, and vent it out. Accept it and try to stay calm. A calm mind always finds best of solutions. Take the help of somebody whom you trust when nobody is with you. Discuss the matters which trouble you and keep your cool. Sometimes its best to go with the flow.
4. Let it pass
Let the phase pass. The best way to solve which seems impossible is to let it pass. Time is the best healer. Think and solve your problems the way you want to. Always remember - there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. There is always sunshine after the dark gloomy night. Things get better one day or the other. Think of solutions - best advise is to implement on the right time.
5. Pamper yourself & show it off
Yes! it is something which might show you as snobby, but sometimes the best revenge is to stay happy. Your happiness and your comfort in the conditions will put the envious people off and they will shut themselves off.
Always believe in yourself. You are brave and confident. This is your life and nobody has control over it. Don't allow yourself to get used and exploited. The only difference is how you choose to react to the situation or towards people.
Remember you can't change them, you can just change the way you react!

Well said.This post motivates highly whoever feels abandoned by others