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Book Review: On Wings of Butterflies

Author: Kavery Nambisan
Publisher: Penguin Books India (P) Ltd
ISBN: 0-14-302811-1
Pages: 253

The prologue: "To Chauvinists, male and female: you keep out of this". 

The straightforwardness in the line says it all.Written by a woman author, the book talks about women and their hatred for men!

Evita, a young Panjim girl sets out to unite womankind of the entire world, to fight against the opposites, men. Evita in her twenty's has seen the suffering of her mother, an eye-turner waitress in a local restaurant in morning and at night she has clients coming from all over the city! Scarred and marred by her mother's defenseless life, she decides to unite the women and fight the battle on its face. 

Soon her idea of forming an organisation, WOMEN OR WOMEN (WOW), a single group  of world's largest minority, starts to take a shape as many show interest and start to join. Her group unites all sorts of women coming from various walks of life,perfunctory wives, passive yet full of life widow, ambitious professionals, high on drama students, NRI women and a queen with stories of their own, of shame, suffering, pain, anguish, distress and agony. They all want to teach men a lesson, but with different ways and procedures. 

As these women get together from all over the country and world, men come in with equal force, spurning the ideas of women and to safeguard their perceived supremacy! The events take unexpected turns with women and men mafia coming into the picture on one hand, while the third force of world, children coming into another.

The book is divided into two parts, the former one talks about women, their struggles with life and decisions to join the group while the latter describes the story of WOW, their meetings, conventions, decisions, perceptions of members and struggles as an upcoming women political party.

However the end is predictable throughout the story but unfolds in an interesting way. All in all a good read!


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