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'Imaging Asia 2010' to showcase Asian cinema, art and culture

 CELEBRATING its 20th anniversary The Network for the Promotion of Asian Cinema (NETPAC) is organizing ‘Imaging Asia 2010’ with Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) from 18th-22nd August, 2010. The five day event will see conference, film festival, exhibitions and performances at different venues across Delhi. The festival celebrates the spirit of Asian cinema which has grown exponentially in past years.

The five day conference on ‘The Culture and Politics of Asian Cinema’ will focus on the specificity of Asian cinema and the need to recognize and respect the diversity it portrays. The discussions will take place on the politics that governs the cinema’s evolving identity. Alongside the conference, workshops will also be conducted at IGNCA and Max Mueller Bhavan.

Paintings are considered as the initial forms story telling and portraying emotions. To give an owe to this ancient form, exhibitions of sumi-e paintings ‘Eastern Strokes’ by Yuriko Lochan, ‘Night in the garden’ by Spanish artist Jose Luis Seara and ‘Fables from the house of Ibban-episode: The Milk Jug’ by Ranbir Kaleka will be showcased from 19-22nd August from 11am to 2 pm at Instituto Cervantes.

Presenting the traditional ways of telling tales in Asia, the NETPAC event will showcase forms of picture storytelling from India and other Asian countries in what may be interpreted as proto-cinema. Live puppet shows by Pata artists, puppet makers from Nimmalakunta and shadow puppet plays from various Asian countries will be performed from 18-21st August, 2010 at Kamani Auditorium.

Also the event will screen 31 award winning films from various countries at the five day film festival at various venues in Delhi. Films from countries like Iran, Thailand, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Iraq, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, South Korea and Malaysia will be screened at Instituto Cervantes, Alliance Francaise de Delhi, India Habitat Centre and India International Centre. The schedule for the screenings is available on the website. 

The five day event will bring the various art forms of Asia under one roof enabling the art lovers to experience the varied art forms of various countries and also a chance to meet the artists across the borders. The event will also strengthen the cultural relations of participating countries with India and will provide a gateway towards peace and understanding. 

Picture Courtesy: Google Images


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